Visibility Exercises Key:

Visibility Tutorial

Question 1

The program given below is unable to be verified; determine where in the specifications it is failing, and fix it.

public class VisibilityExample1 {

	private static int MAXHEALTH = 100;
	private int playerHealth = 100;
	//@ requires 0 <= dmg < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires 0 < playerHealth;
	public void damage(int dmg) {
		if (playerHealth > dmg) {
			playerHealth -= dmg;
		} else {
			playerHealth = 0;

	//@ requires 0 <= hp < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires 0 < playerHealth;
	//@ requires playerHealth + hp < MAXHEALTH;
	//@ ensures playerHealth <= MAXHEALTH;
	public void heal(int hp) {
		if (MAXHEALTH >= (playerHealth + hp)) {
			playerHealth += hp;


Asnwer and Explanation: The code above is unable to be verified with its current specifications, let’s first understand what the code is doing and then find where the specifications are failing. The program has two private int variables MAXHEALTH and playerHealth. The function damage() takes in an integer value and will deduct it from the player’s health so long as playerHealth is greater than the dmg to be done - in which case we set the playerHealth to zero. The next function heal() takes in an integer value hp which will be added to the player’s health if playerHealth + hp is less than the MAXHEALTH. However, if we try to run the program with the current specifications we get the error that the identifiers playerHealth and MAXHEALTH are of private visibility and cannot be used. So we have to change the visibility of playerHealth and MAXHEALTH to public for the specifications. However, we don’t do this by changing the actual code, as this would cause errors down the line. Instead we use the spec_public modifier. Additionally, note how we are modifying playerHealth in both functions, so we should also specify that we are assigning playerHealth. With that being said we can write the following:

public class VisibilityExample1 {

	//@ spec_public
	private static int MAXHEALTH = 100;
	//@ spec_public
	private int playerHealth = 100;
	//@ requires 0 <= dmg < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires 0 < playerHealth;
	//@ assigns playerHealth;
	public void damage(int dmg) {
		if (playerHealth > dmg) {
			playerHealth -= dmg;
		} else {
			playerHealth = 0;

	//@ requires 0 <= hp < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires 0 < playerHealth;
	//@ requires playerHealth + hp < MAXHEALTH;
	//@ assigns playerHealth;
	//@ ensures playerHealth <= MAXHEALTH;
	public void heal(int hp) {
		if (MAXHEALTH >= (playerHealth + hp)) {
			playerHealth += hp;


Learning Objective: The goal of this exercise is to test if the student understands when to specify the visibility of something when trying to write specifications. In this case the code cannot verify because in our pre and postconditions we are using playerHealth and MAXHEALTH, but both of these are of private visibility in the program. While this won’t cause an issue with the actual code, these variables are still considered private to the specifications even though they are in the same class with them. Additionally, the student should recognize that we are modifying the value of playerHealth, and it is therefore important to note this in our specifications as well.
