Visibility Exercises:

Visibility Tutorial

Question 1

The program given below is unable to be verified; determine where in the specifications it is failing, and fix it.

public class VisibilityExample1 {

	private static int MAXHEALTH = 100;
	private int playerHealth = 100;
	//@ requires 0 <= dmg < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires 0 < playerHealth;
	public void damage(int dmg) {
		if (playerHealth > dmg) {
			playerHealth -= dmg;
		} else {
			playerHealth = 0;

	//@ requires 0 <= hp < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires 0 < playerHealth;
	//@ requires playerHealth + hp < MAXHEALTH;
	//@ ensures playerHealth <= MAXHEALTH;
	public void heal(int hp) {
		if (MAXHEALTH >= (playerHealth + hp)) {
			playerHealth += hp;


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how visibility works with JML specifications
  • Understand how to use the spec_public modifier
  • Gain more experience with using the assigns clause

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