Specifying Constructors Exercises:

Specifying Constructors Tutorial

Question 1

(a) Determine the specifications needed to verify the program below. (b) Explain why the program can assert s1.id < s2.id in the createStudents() function.

public class Student {
	//@ spec_public
	private String firstName;
	//@ spec_public
	private String lastName;
	//@ spec_public
	private int grade;
	//@ spec_public
	private double GPA;
	//@ spec_public
	private long id;
	//@ spec_public
	private static long count = 0;

	public Student(String firstName, String lastName, int grade, double GPA) { 
		//@ assume count+1 < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		count ++;
		this.firstName = firstName;
		this.lastName = lastName;
		this.grade = grade;
		this.GPA = GPA;
		this.id = count;
	//@ requires count < Integer.MAX_VALUE-1;
	public void createStudents() {
		Student s1 = new Student("John", "Doe", 12, 3.7);
		Student s2 = new Student("Jane", "Doe", 11, 2.5);
		//@ assert s1.id < s2.id;

Note: spec_public will be discussed in the “Visibility” tutorial, but for now just understand that spec_public is used when we have private variables that we want to use in our JML specifications so that we don’t have any visibility errors.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how to use constructor specification syntax
  • Understand normal_behavior
  • Understand pure and not pure constructors
  • Gain more experience writing preconditions and postconditions
  • Gain more experience with the assert clause

Question 2

Determine the strongest specifications needed to verify the program.

public class Book {

	//@ spec_public
	private String title;
	//@ spec_public
	private int pages;
	//@ spec_public
	private String author;
	//@ spec_public
	private String publication; //mm-dd-yy
	//@ spec_public
	private static int TBABooks = 0; 

	public Book(String title, int pages, String author, String publication) {
		this.title = title;
		this.pages = pages;
		this.author = author;
		this.publication = publication;		
	public Book(String publication) {
		//@ assume 0 < TBABooks+1 < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		this.title = "TBA";
		this.pages = 0;
		this.author = "TBA";
		this.publication = publication;

	public void createBooks() {
		Book b1 = new Book("TBA"); 
		Book b2 = new Book("1984", 328, "George Orwell", "06-08-49");
		Book b3 = new Book("The Great Gatsby", 208, "F. Scott Fitzgerald", "04-10-25");
		Book b4 = new Book("TBA");				

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain more experience with pure and not pure constructors
  • Gain more experience writing the specifications for constructors

Answer Key

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