Using Method Calls in Specifications Exercises:

Using Method Calls in Specifications Tutorial

Question 1

(a) The program given below is unable to be verified; determine where in the specifications it is failing, and explain why it’s failing. (b) Edit the code so that the original specifications verify the program.

public class CallingMethodsExample2 {
	//@ spec_public
	final private double FAILINGGRADE = 69.4;
	//@ spec_public
	private int totalFailing = 0;
	public boolean flag;
	//@ requires grades != null;
	//@ requires (\forall int i; 0 <= i < grades.length; !Double.isNaN(grades[i]));
	//@ assigns totalFailing;
	public void totalFailing(double[] grades) {
		//int count = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
			//@ assume 0 <= i < grades.length;
			if(grades[i] <= FAILINGGRADE) {
				//@ assume 0 <= totalFailing+1 < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//@ requires grades != null;
	//@ requires grades.length > 0;
	//@ assigns flag;
	public boolean isClassFailing(double[] grades) {
		int classSize = grades.length;

		if((((double)totalFailing) / ((double)classSize)) >= .5){
			flag = true;
			return flag;
		}else {
			flag = false;
			return flag;
	public void testClass() {
		double[] classGrades = {71.6, 31.5, 69.5, 69.3, 98.2, 84.3, 102.0};

		//@ assert isClassFailing(classGrades);

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand that only pure functions can be called in specifications
  • Gain more experience with working with assaigns and pure

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