JML Tutorial - Calling methods in specifications (pure methods)
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Pure methods
The specifications we have written so far have contained just simple expressions and operators. It is also convenient, and allowed, to call methods in specifications — but there are restrictions.
Expressions in specifications must not have any effect on the Java program. Think of a program with specifications converted to run-time checks. We can’t have the checks modifiying the program that is being checked. Similarly we can’t allow static checking to have any effect on the Java program.
Thus the rule is that methods that are called in specifications must be
pure, that is, must not have any side-effects. In fact JML requires that
a method used in specifications be marked with the modifier pure
And if a method is pure, it automatically includes the specification clause assigns \nothing;
Here is an example:
// openjml --esc
public class T_PureMethod1 {
public static class Counter {
//@ spec_public
private int count;
//@ spec_public
final private int maxCount;
//@ requires max >= 0;
//@ ensures count == 0 && maxCount == max;
//@ pure
public Counter(int max) {
count = 0;
maxCount = max;
//@ requires count < maxCount;
//@ assigns count;
//@ ensures count == \old(count+1);
public void count() { ++count; }
//@ ensures \result == (count > 0);
//@ pure
public boolean isAnythingCounted() {
return count > 0;
//@ ensures \result == !(count < maxCount);
public boolean atMax() {
return count >= maxCount;
public void test() {
Counter c = new Counter(2);
//@ assert !c.isAnythingCounted() && !c.atMax();
//@ assert c.isAnythingCounted() && !c.atMax();
//@ assert c.isAnythingCounted() && c.atMax();
Running OpenJML produces warning: A non-pure method is being called where it is not permitted: T_PureMethod1.Counter.atMax()
//@ assert !c.isAnythingCounted() && !c.atMax();
^ warning: A non-pure method is being called where it is not permitted: T_PureMethod1.Counter.atMax()
//@ assert c.isAnythingCounted() && !c.atMax();
^ warning: A non-pure method is being called where it is not permitted: T_PureMethod1.Counter.atMax()
//@ assert c.isAnythingCounted() && c.atMax();
3 warnings
The call of c.isAnythingCounted
is allowed in the specification because
it is declared pure
in its specification. However
is not allowed because it is not declared pure
If you add that modifier to the declaration of atMax
then this example will
verify (cf. example
Notice that these pure
methods have no assigns
clause. Pure methods are
not allowed to write to any fields, so if there were an assigns
it would have to be assigns \nothing;
. In fact, for a pure
the default assigns
clause is precisely that assigns \nothing;
(For a non-pure method, the default is assigns \everything;
If you add a pure
modifier to count
(as in
), then OpenJML produces error: Pure methods may not assign to any fields: count in T_PureMethod3.Counter.count()
//@ assigns count;
1 error
It is also vitally important to remember that when a method is used in a specification, it is the specification of the method that is used to determine its behavior, not its implementation.
This example
// openjml --esc
public class T_PureMethod4 {
//@ requires i > Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//@ ensures \result >= 0;
//@ pure
public static int abs(int i) {
return i >= 0 ? i : -i;
public void test(int k) {
//@ assert k >= 0 ==> abs(k) >= k;
produces this output: verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method test
//@ assert k >= 0 ==> abs(k) >= k;
1 verification failure
This abs
function verifies successfully; however, the assertion that uses it
in test
does not. That is because all that the method test
knows about the result of
is that it is greater than zero. In order to verify test
, the
postcondition of abs
must be strengthened to say that if i>0
then the
result is the same as the input.
Methods do not always need to have precise functional specs. However, the specification does need to be strong enough to verify whatever uses the clients of the method need.
Well-defined method calls
The lesson on well-defined expressions described how expressions in specifications must be well-defined. For a method call within a specification clause, that means two things: (a) the pre-conditions of the method must be fulfilled and (b) the method may not throw any exceptions.
The next example shows the kind of error message that OpenJML produces when a method’s precondition is not fulfilled:
// openjml --esc
public class T_PureMethod5 {
//@ spec_public
int[] a = new int[10];
//@ requires 0 <= i & i < a.length;
//@ ensures \result == a[i];
//@ pure
public int elementAt(int i) {
return a[i];
public void test1() {
//@ assert elementAt(0) == 0;
public void test2() {
//@ assert elementAt(-1) == 0;
produces verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method test1
//@ assert elementAt(0) == 0;
^ verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition: in method test1
//@ assert elementAt(0) == 0;
^ verify: Associated declaration:
public int elementAt(int i) {
^ verify: Precondition conjunct is false: i < a.length
//@ requires 0 <= i & i < a.length;
^ verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition: in method test2
//@ assert elementAt(-1) == 0;
^ verify: Associated declaration:
public int elementAt(int i) {
^ verify: Precondition conjunct is false: 0 <= i
//@ requires 0 <= i & i < a.length;
7 verification failures
The relevant error messages include the term ‘Undefined’ to indicate that this
instance of an out of range index is part of a specification instead of in
Java code. Note that the elementAt
method here verifies; it is the use of
it that is at fault.
Termination and Exceptions
Methods marked pure
so they can be used in specifications must satisfy two additional properties.
First they must be terminating. The specification diverges false;
states this property for a method,
but as it is the default, it does not need to be written. See the advanced lesson on termination
for more on this topic.
The other property is that when a method is used in a specification it is assumed not to throw any
exceptions. It is best if the method has only normal_behavior
specification cases,
but if it has any exceptional_behavior
cases, they will be ignored for use in specifications.
(cf. Multiple Behaviors)
Pure constructors
You might have noticed that the constructor for Counter
in the example
above is also marked pure
. Constructors create new objects or arrays, so they are not allowed to be used in specifications. Nevertheless, it is helpful to
mark a constructor as pure
to indicate that the constructor does not modify any memory other than setting its own fields.
Pure classes
A class can also be marked pure
. This means that all the constructors and
methods of the class are themselves pure
. This is a useful part of
specifying an immutable class, one whose objects may not be changed after
being created. Java’s String
and Integer
are two examples of immutable classes.