JML Tutorial - Exercises - Well-defined Expressions
Well-defined Expressions Exercises:
Well-defined Expressions Tutorial
Question 1
The function given below is unable to be verified; determine where in the specifications it is failing, and fix it. Explain why the current specifications are not well-defined.
//@ ensures (\exists int i; 0 <= i < a.length; a[i] == key);
public int search(int[] a, int key) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
//@ assume 0 <= i < a.length;
if(a[i] == key) {
return i;
//@ assert a[i] == key;
return -1;
Learning Objectives:
- Be able to identify where the issue in the current specifications lie
- Understand how to write well-defined statements
- Understand the importance of placement of JML specifications