Multiple Method Behavior Exercises:

Multiple Method Behavior Tutorial

Question 1

Given the function below, determine the strongest specifications needed to verify the function below.

public int mean(int sum, int totalNum) {
	if(totalNum == 0) throw new ArithmeticException();
  	return sum/totalNum;

Asnwer and Explanation: The function mean() above takes in two integer variables sum and totalNum and returns the mean of the two (sum/totalNum). Within the function we check if totalNum is zero in which case we throw an exception since we cannot divide by zero. Our second case is If totalNum is not equal to zero then we return sum/totalNum. To determine the specifications let’s treat this like any other function and then determine our method behavior specifications.

First let’s tackle when totalNum is greater than zero and less than Integer.MAX_VALUE, and that sum is less than Integer.MAX_VALUE. These preconditions will apply when the function is acting how we would expect it to act normally, in which case we know that our function will return the result sum/totalNum. So let’s write this specification case:

//@ public normal_behavior
//@	requires 0 < totalNum < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//@	requires sum < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//@	ensures \result == sum/totalNum;
public int mean(int sum, int totalNum) {
	if(totalNum == 0) throw new ArithmeticException();
	return sum/totalNum;

But what about when ‘totalNum’ is equal to zero? We throw an arithmetic exception. So we can determine out exception behavior by stating that total must be equal to zero and signals_only ArithmeticException(). Recall that we use the also clause when dealing with multiple method behaviors.

//@ public normal_behavior
//@	requires 0 < totalNum < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//@ 	requires sum < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//@	ensures \result == sum/totalNum;
//@ also public exceptional_behavior
//@	requires totalNum == 0;
//@ 	signals_only ArithmeticException;
public int mean(int sum, int totalNum) {
	if(totalNum == 0) throw new ArithmeticException();
	return sum/totalNum;	

Learning Objective: The goal of this exercise is to task the student identifying all the specification cases for this program. The student should recongize that we have the case where totalNum is or isn’t equal to zero. The student should also understand how to use normal_behavior and exceptional_behavior.
