JML uses invariant clauses to specify properties of an object that should “always” hold. This lesson describes the straightforward uses of invariants and also the complexities of what “always” means.

Simple invariants

The basic idea of an invariant is this: an invariant describes a property that always holds of an object. Every method can assume the invariants hold and must preserve the invariants. Constructors create objects that satisfy invariants. In this sense, invariants are like pre- and postconditions common to every method and constructor.

  • Invariants can be declared static, in which case they apply also to static methods. Static invariants apply to all methods; non-static invariants only apply to non-static methods.
  • Most typically invariants are declared public. See the discussion below about visibility.

Here is a typical simple example:

// openjml --esc
public class MyBox {
  //@ spec_public 
  private int size;

  //@ public invariant size >= 0;

  //@ requires sz >= 0;
  public MyBox(int sz) {
    size = sz;

  public void doit() {
    int[] ints = new int[size];

  //@ assigns size;
  public void shrink() {
    size = size - 10; // FAILS to establish invariant on exit

  //@ public normal_behavior
  //@   ensures \result == size;
  //@ pure
  public int size() {
    return size;

  //@ public normal_behavior
  //@   ensures \result == size;
  //@ pure helper
  public int sizeH() {
    return size;

  //@ private normal_behavior
  //@   assigns size;
  //@ helper
  private void changeSizeH() {

  public static void test1(MyBox b) {
    //@ assert b.size() >= 0;
  public static void test2(MyBox b) {
    //@ assert b.sizeH() >= 0; // OK because sizeH() is pure
  public static void test3(MyBox b) {
    //@ assert b.sizeH() >= 0; // FAILS -- changeSizeH does not necessarily establish the invariant
    b.size = 0;
  public static void test4(MyBox b) {
    //@ assert b.size() >= 0; // FAILS -- invariants not necessarily true, so size() is not allowed to be called
    b.size = 0;

This example shows part of a simple class that has a size property. The specification records in its invariant clause that this size is always to be a non-negative integer. So the constructor makes sure that size is non-negative when a MyBox is created. In doit(), size is used to create an array. The call of doit() can assume that the invariants of this hold at the beginning of the call; consequently it does not need to check that size is non-negative before using its value as the length of the new array.

On the other hand, shrink() is intended to make the MyBox smaller by reducing its size by 10. It dutifully specifies that it assigns size;. However, a verification attempt reports the following: verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantExit: in method shrink
  public void shrink() {
              ^ verify: Associated declaration:
  //@ public invariant size >= 0;
             ^ verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method test3
    //@ assert b.sizeH() >= 0; // FAILS -- changeSizeH does not necessarily establish the invariant
        ^ verify: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: in method test4: (Caller: MyBox.test4(MyBox), Callee: MyBox.size())
    //@ assert b.size() >= 0; // FAILS -- invariants not necessarily true, so size() is not allowed to be called
                     ^ verify: Associated declaration:
  //@ public invariant size >= 0;
5 verification failures

Here InvariantExit means that on exit from the method, the invariant cannot be proven — which is clearly the case if the MyBox has a size less than 10 in the pre-state of the shrink() method.

helper methods

Sometimes it is useful or simpler if a method does not need to assume or ensure the invariants. In such a case, the method can be declared a helper method. Consider the difference between size() and sizeH() in the code listing above.

size() is a conventional non-helper getter method. It assumes the invariant holds and returns the value of size. A client routine, such as test1(), can prove that mybox.size() >= 0 after creating a MyBox object.

sizeH() on the other hand is declared helper. It does not assume that size is non-negative. That does not matter here, but it would, for example if doit() were declared helper; in that case doit() would need a precondition that required size >= 0. sizeH() verifies OK, but when one uses it, one cannot be assured that the value of mybox.sizeH() is non-negative. Method test2() proves OK because, although sizeH() does not establish the invariant, it is pure so it does not change size, and consequently it is provable that the invariant still holds on exit from test2(). In test3() on the other hand, the program state has been changed by helper method changeSizeH to something that may not satisfy the invariant. It is OK to call sizeH because it is helper and does not require the invariant. But then we don’t know that the value of sizeH() satisfies the invariant either.

If, as in test4(), we call size() instead of sizeH(), we find that there is a verification error because size() expects the invariants to hold when in fact they may not.

The cost of not having to have the invariants true on entrance to a method is that they may not be true on exit either, though one can always add them into the pre- and postconditions.

Visibility of invariants

  • Invariants have a visibility (public, private, etc.). Almost always, public is the appropriate modifier to use. Invariants with visibility other than public only apply where they can be “seen”, just like the modifiers when used for methods.
  • Invariants cannot use fields or methods with a visibility more constrained than their own. Conseqeuently, as in this case, a private field will need a spec_public declaration. See the lesson on Visibility for more on this topic.

Invariants when calling methods

Except in the case of helper methods, methods assume that their invariants are true in their pre-state. Thus when a method is called by some caller method, the caller is responsible to be sure that the callee’s invariants are true before invoking the callee, just as the caller has to be sure that the callee’s preconditions hold before invoking the callee.

In fact, the callee generally expects that the invariants of all of its formal parameters also hold.

To further complicate matters, JML expects that all invariants of all objects hold at the invocation of a callee, including those of the caller itself. The reason for this rule is shown in this code snippet.

public class SomeClass {
  //@ public invariant ...

  public void m(SomeOtherClass o) {
    // some code that temporarily invalidates the invariant of SomeClass
    // code that restore the invariant of SomeClass

The verification attempt of SomeClass.m invalidates and then restores the invariant of SomeClass. However, o.dosomething is called when the invariant of this is invalid. o.dosomething might actually call a method of SomeClass on its argument, which method would then be called in a state in which its invariants do not hold. Not knowing what o.dosomething does, JML insists on the general rule that all invariants have to hold at every call point. But this is a nuisance in the implementation of m, particularly if o.dosomething is a simple library routine like Math.abs.

! Because of this, the rules about invariants holding are a topic of research and discussion. OpenJML is experimenting with more relaxed rules that are still sound.